What do our customers say?

Finding a high quality tutor can be a daunting task. Here at Choice Home Tutoring, we are here to make the process as easy as possible, whilst still taking the time to ensure the match between tutor and student is the right one. We meet with all of our tutors face-to-face in order to check their documentation, qualifications and references, as well as gauge an understanding of their personality and teaching style. We also keep in regular contact with our tutors, providing them with the latest educational news and training services we offer.

As with any service, direct feedback and reviews from existing customers is always a helpful tool. Take a look at what our customers have said about our tutors and the service provided.


We cannot thank our amazing tutors enough for their hard work and dedication. If you would like to discuss the possibility of a tutor for your child, please contact us on 07307 894866 or send an email to amanda@choicehometutoring.co.uk.